Friday 30 November 2012

Scanner Photo


Black and White
Adjusted Original


My self-portraits were fairly basic; I showed some of my calmer, simple side. I personally like the multiple exposure pictures better because I was able to add some personality to it, along with play with some textures

Wednesday 28 November 2012


These are pictures of my best friend Brittany and my grandma:) I took all of them on the same day, Brittany in the school parking lot and my grandma at her house. I particularly like Brittany's photos because it shows some of her different sides of her personality. As for my grandma, they reveal her peaceful, loving nature

Sunday 4 November 2012


1 how would you define beauty in photography?
To me, beauty is being captured by the picture. Feeling like your there, in the scene, or feeling the same emotions of a person in a portrait. Being drawn in by the colors
2. What are the characteristics of photographic beauty?
Lighting, colors and their contrast, positioning, uniqueness, and if the picture tells a story
3. Can something ugly be photographed and made beautiful? Why and how?
Yes, anything can be made beautiful if the photo is taken right. It just depends on perspective. For example, macro pictures can make anything look different, something gross might look completely different and amazing up close.